51 companies involved in Social Media — Have a look beyond FAANG

Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMB's) were hardest hit by the lockdowns. While proximity to their most valuable customers is certainly an advantage, getting information about their products and services out to the wider community will remain a challenge. We see considerable opportunities for social media platforms to provide plug-and-play solutions for SMB's. At present, just a fraction of these companies actively use advertising services. Moving forward, this number is expected to grow. For social apps, building a digital town is a feasible challenge because the required elements work very well independently; these include real-time inventory management, contactless payment systems, and delivery logistics.
120,00 (CHF)

Highlights of the companies in the report:

Number of companies 51
Average upside >19 %
Vol. ~14.4%
Beta ~0.99
Sharpe (exp) ~1.59